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Ty and Lindsay Buffington September 7th Update 2008

Hello! I'm sure that by now everyone knows that Lindsay had to have surgery again. She's doing much better now. She has about 60 stitches in her head. She'll get them out on Tuesday. This is the 3rd time in 2 years that she has had this surgery... Hopefully this time it will stay fixed.

Ty has been doing really good. He's up to 12 hours on the trach ring and 12 hours on the vent! This is a very big milestone!

The weather has been great! We've really enjoyed some time outside!

Thanks to everyone that has prayed and that has shown us so much support with everything that has been going on over the last month! August was a really hard month for us, with Lindsay being in the hospital twice and having surgery. We really appreciate the people that went totally out of their way to help us!

Please keep praying for us! Ty and Lindsay are doing so good and are growing so much!

Thank you all!

August at the Zoo!

Lindsay isn't afraid of any goat!

Ty laughs at the goats!

Lindsay checks out the elephants!

Ty looks at the elephants!

Mom shows Ty a bird

Lindsay and Great-Grandpa Roger hanging out!

Ty playing in the toy box

Ty and Lindsay gang up on dad!

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