We hope that everyone had a wonderful Christmas and we hope that your 2009 will be the best ever!
We sure had a 2008 that was filled with so many achievements and milestone! Ty reaching the point where he's been home longer than he was in the hospital and Lindsay deciding that she is going to eat real food were some of the big ones. Also Ty is walking and is up to 16 hours off of the vent!
At this point Ty is able to be off of all his equipment for 2 hours a day! No oxygen or pulse oximeter cords to get tangled up or slow him down. He like the freedom alot!
Lindsay is finding more foods that she likes and has been doing a wonderful job eating! She really likes bananas and cheese. Also she likes sausage and ham!
We had a great December and the kids really liked getting ready for Santa. We lots of great visitors!
It was so great for the kids to get to see their family. Luckily most everyone was healthy and was able to come see them. There were a few people that are planning to make a trip up once they are healthy and the weather is decent.
Thank to everyone that was able to come up to see us and for all of the cards and letters! I know our family has a lot of people that love and support us! We hope that your new year will be blessed with health and happiness!
Santa made a special trip to see Ty and Lindsay!
The kids had a blast making cookies for Santa!!
Lindsay can't wait to open presents from Santa!
Ty loves his Mickey wash cloths!
Grandpa Cal and Grandma Karen having fun with Ty and Lindsay!
Nonnie, Aunt Kelsi, Great-Grandpa and Great-Granny spending some Christmas time with the kids
Granny read us another story!
Grandpa Steve, this is how you work this car...
Ty driving the bus
Lindsay and Aunt Kelsi doing their nails
Ty loves his boat!! Thanks Dot!
Lindsay need Jim to read a story to her!
Take some time in 2009 to Smell the Roses!!
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