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Ty and Lindsay Buffington October 12th Update 2008

Hello everybody! The last month has been pretty good! Lindsay had recovered nicely after her surgery and Ty has been trying to walk!!

Lindsay had been doing so much better after her surgery. She has gained back all the weight she lost plus some! She's just absorbing everything that she hears and sees! She's talking and singing alllll the time! She's so smart! She just watches and listens to everything! It only takes seeing it once and she's got it figured out!

Ty has been growing and getting so much stronger! He took his first steps and has been trying to do more! He'll take 3-4 steps before he falls! Before long he'll be running around chasing his sister!

Ty's really smart too and has been learning so many new things! He loves to color and has picked orange as his favorite!

The weather has been really nice so we've been trying to get them outside for as long as possible. This winter is supposed to be one of the coldest in the last 50 years for us, so we're trying to take advantage of the weather while it's nice.

We've been able to go to the pumpkin patch twice, and the zoo and we've gone to feed the ducks several times. Now that Ty is doing so well with his trach ring, we're able to get out more!

We got some great pictures this past month! Please enjoy!

Also please continue to pray for them both. They've come along way and are getting stronger every day!

Cardinal fans or Cub fans???

Fun times at the pumpkin patch with good friends!

All the kids ready for a good time!

Lindsay and Ty ready for their train ride!

Ty loves the train!

Ty and Lindsay ready for their driver's licenses.

Lindsay has her train ticket!

All the kids get to feed the animals

Ty picks out his pumpkin!

Monkey time at the zoo!

Can we take this birdie home?

If Lindsay gets a bird, then I want one too!

Mom, that goat licked my hand!

I'm not touching that thing!

Ty gets to ride an elephant!

4 Wheeler rides with mom!

Tractor rides with dad!

Ty feeds all the animals!

Ty's face says it all...

After a long day of appointments, Ty helps Lindsay take a nap!

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